AGI is a digital brain inside computer system // some “explanation” without explanation from Ilya (OpenAI)

2 min readNov 21, 2023


The key points from talk:

1. Artificial intelligence (AI) works by creating digital brains inside computers. As research progresses, these digital brains will become as smart or smarter than human brains.

2. AI has the potential to dramatically transform and improve many areas of human activity and society, such as healthcare. However, it also has concerning downsides and risks.

3. AI will be able to recursively improve itself, leading to rapid advances. This makes it unlike any previous technology.

4. As more people experience advanced AI capabilities firsthand, there will be growing appreciation of just how impactful and potentially concerning advanced AI could become.

5. Out of self-interest, people and organizations will likely start collaborating in unprecedented ways to ensure AI technology progresses safely and benefits humanity. This gives reason for hope about our ability to responsibly manage the opportunities and risks posed by advanced AI.

While advanced AI poses great challenges, growing awareness of and experience with its potential may drive unprecedented collaboration to steer it in safe and beneficial directions.

What the Frontier Model Forum will do

Governments and industry agree that, while advanced AI offers tremendous promise to benefit the world, appropriate guardrails are required to mitigate risks. Important contributions to these efforts have already been made by the US and UK governments, the European Union, the OECD, the G7 (via the Hiroshima AI process), and others.

To build on these efforts, further work is needed on safety standards and evaluations to ensure frontier AI models are developed and deployed responsibly. The Forum will be one vehicle for cross-organizational discussions and actions on AI safety and responsibility.

There are a lot of explanations of what AGI is, but all should definitely include one thing — the ability to act on its own. And one more thing — the ability to extend this ability as much as it can.




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