KGs + LLMs // convergence of structured and unstructured

Hybrid graph and vector search is the future of RAG

4 min read3 days ago

In customer service technical support, swiftly and accurately retrieving relevant past issues is critical for efficiently resolving customer inquiries. The conventional retrieval methods in retrievalaugmented generation (RAG) for large language models (LLMs) treat a large corpus of past issue tracking tickets as plain text, ignoring the crucial intra-issue structure and inter-issue relations, which limits performance. We introduce a novel customer service question-answering method that amalgamates RAG with a knowledge graph (KG). Our method constructs a KG from historical issues for use in retrieval, retaining the intra-issue structure and interissue relations. During the question-answering phase, our method parses consumer queries and retrieves related sub-graphs from the KG to generate answers. This integration of a KG not only improves retrieval accuracy by preserving customer service structure information but also enhances answering quality by mitigating the effects of text segmentation. Empirical assessments on our benchmark datasets, utilizing key retrieval (MRR, Recall@K, NDCG@K) and text generation (BLEU, ROUGE, METEOR) metrics, reveal that our method outperforms the baseline by 77.6% in MRR and by 0.32 in BLEU. Our method has been deployed within LinkedIn’s customer service team for approximately six months and has reduced the median per-issue resolution time by 28.6%.

The integration of multimodal Electronic Health Records (EHR) data has notably advanced clinical predictive capabilities. However, current models that utilize clinical notes and multivariate time-series EHR data often lack the necessary medical context for precise clinical tasks. Previous methods using knowledge graphs (KGs) primarily focus on structured knowledge extraction. To address this, we propose EMERGE, a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) driven framework aimed at enhancing multimodal EHR predictive modeling. Our approach extracts entities from both time-series data and clinical notes by prompting Large Language Models (LLMs) and aligns them with professional PrimeKG to ensure consistency. Beyond triplet relationships, we include entities’ definitions and descriptions to provide richer semantics. The extracted knowledge is then used to generate task-relevant summaries of patients’ health statuses. These summaries are fused with other modalities utilizing an adaptive multimodal fusion network with cross-attention. Extensive experiments on the MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV datasets for in-hospital mortality and 30-day readmission tasks demonstrate the superior performance of the EMERGE framework compared to baseline models. Comprehensive ablation studies and analyses underscore the efficacy of each designed module and the framework’s robustness to data sparsity. EMERGE significantly enhances the use of multimodal EHR data in healthcare, bridging the gap with nuanced medical contexts crucial for informed clinical predictions.

In this paper, we investigate the retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) based on Knowledge Graphs (KGs) to improve the accuracy and reliability of Large Language Models (LLMs). Recent approaches suffer from insufficient and repetitive knowledge retrieval, tedious and time-consuming query parsing, and monotonous knowledge utilization. To this end, we develop a Hypothesis Knowledge Graph Enhanced (HyKGE) framework, which leverages LLMs’ powerful reasoning capacity to compensate for the incompleteness of user queries, optimizes the interaction process with LLMs, and provides diverse retrieved knowledge. Specifically, HyKGE explores the zeroshot capability and the rich knowledge of LLMs with Hypothesis Outputs to extend feasible exploration directions in the KGs, as well as the carefully curated prompt to enhance the density and efficiency of LLMs’ responses. Furthermore, we introduce the HO Fragment Granularity-aware Rerank Module to filter out noise while ensuring the balance between diversity and relevance in retrieved knowledge. Experiments on two Chinese medical multiplechoice question datasets and one Chinese open-domain medical Q&A dataset with two LLM turbos demonstrate the superiority of HyKGE in terms of accuracy and explainability




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