Long term storage

Feb 2, 2022


One of the largest data centers, exists 10 years

How to save a large amount of data for a long time, what’s the economics, technology, etc?

Pyramids in Egypt, exist thousands years

An options for storage:
- centralized (external data center/cloud): centralization risks (single point of power/failure), expensive (periodical payments);
- centralized (own data center/cloud): centralization risks (single point of power/failure), expensive / profitable (infra payments);
- decentralized (external network(s)): decentralization risks (network is critical, no network == no data), expensive (periodical payments);
- decentralized (own network(s) nodes/protocol(s)): decentralization risks (network is critical, no network == no data), expensive / profitable (infra payments);
- hybrid: some combination of decentralized/centralized storage;

In the long term, combining your own centralized and decentralized infrastructure is the best option (possibly profitable).




Written by sbagency

Tech/biz consulting, analytics, research for founders, startups, corps and govs.

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