Here is a summary of the key points from the article:
- Traditional web2 companies focus on acquiring customers through sales and marketing. Web3 companies take a community-driven approach, using tokens to incentivize early users and align incentives.
- There are two main types of web3 organizations: decentralized applications like DeFi, NFTs, social networks; and protocols like layer 1 blockchains and layer 2 scaling solutions. Their go-to-market strategies differ.
- For DeFi apps, go-to-market involves getting the token listed on exchanges, integrated into wallets/apps, and accepted as payment. Metrics are total value locked, integrations, and active users rather than revenue.
- For social DAOs, go-to-market means building a community around a shared purpose. Metrics are community engagement and relationships built rather than revenue.
- For games, go-to-market involves distribution via platforms and partnerships with guilds. Players become stakeholders via tokens.
- For protocols, growth comes from applications built on top of them and forks that replicate/alter them.
- Web3 tactics include airdrops, grants, memes. Founders act as “gardeners” nurturing the community rather than controlling top-down.
In summary, web3 go-to-market focuses on community, purpose, and incentives rather than traditional customer acquisition funnels.