“Web3 is not about making the internet fairer or less liable to exploitation by greedy fat cats, it’s actually the very opposite: it’s about introducing yet another layer of financialisation to the web. The reality, therefore, is actually far more simple than the jargon you will have to sit through when someone is explaining it to you. Web3 is just the newest way of serving up the same old crypto bullshit, and it stinks just as badly as ever.”
Web3/crypto is a sandbox for experiments, a lot of scams, fails and bullshit, but if you can’t stop it just lead/change it!
If the root problem is money, money was invented a long time before the interconnected, digital world, let’s reinvent it!
One tech can’t solve all problems, that’s why culture, art, science, etc. should work together.
No silver bullet. DYOR, experiments, fail fast, don’t fear to fail, ban scams/bs, buld/join communities.
Finally only change is a key to progress.